Tuesday, January 31, 2012

dollar store decor

I've got several projects in the works for this week, but in the meantime I thought I would post some my past projects!
I made this little vase when I was re-decorating my bedroom. Everything came from the dollar store.
Supplies are: Vase, Glass Stones, White Roses, Floral Wire and Cutter.
Simply put your stones in the vase, bundle your flowers together with wire and voila! Total cost was around $5.00!
I actually found that pretty seashell in the ocean off the coast of the Outer Banks, NC. We were down at Cape Point one morning after a heavy storm and it was Shell Heaven! Best time I have ever had at the beach!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Update on Lamp Redo!

Update on Lamp Redo!
I found this lamp in a local good will store! Thought it would make a great base for one of my new shades.
It's amazing what a little spray paint can do!

Here is the Before:
And here is the after! I did cover the glass part before spray painting!

Cute Huh? I spent about $15 for this entire project!

Monday, January 23, 2012

DIY Lamp Shade Redo!

I'm back with my exciting Lamp shade redo! I am very pleased with how they turned out!

Here they are before!

And here they are After the redo!

This was very simple to do.
Step 1. Remove old Fabric from shade
Step 2. Make a template of the shade using a large sheet of paper. News paper works fine for this.
Step 3. Using the template cut out your fabric.
Step 4. Using spray adhesive spray shades and apply fabric. Smooth
Step 5. I used Iron on Hem tape for the trim. Simply cut to size an iron on! I also smoothed the wrinkles out of my fabric with the iron.

That's it!
Photo before Trim

Hem Tape

In My next post I will be making over a pair of thrift store Lamps!
This is the Before Photo!

Until Next time!

Friday, January 13, 2012

In The Trunk, Week One! Repurposing old Lamp Shades

Ahhh! My first official DIY blog post! I am excited for our first trip to the trunk but before we get to that, let me take a moment to explain!

When I was a child every saturday morning my Dad would get up before daylight and head out to be first on the scene at the local flea market. Often I would get to go along for the ride. I remember being so AMAZED that you get so much cool stuff for next to nothing. I would come home with boxes full of costume jewelery, barbie dolls, baby cloths, doll house furniture, stuffed animals, all for the change in your pocket. Daddy collected books, old cameras, coins and antique tools. We would both get so excited about the treasures we would find.

I will always fondly remember those moments I spent with my dad and I dedicate this blog to him. Although he suffers from cancer now and has sold off most of his collections, he still to this day loves to go to the flea market ever so often on a Saturday morning and I still love to go with him.

Always being artistic as a child I guess I followed a natural progression into crafting and repurposing items. Because I have NO storage in my home, I tend to store my flea market finds in the trunk of my car until I am ready to work on them! I have made and repurposed many things over the years, some of which I will be sharing on this blog. My main priority is to get moving on the things waiting for me in my trunk and see what creative inspiration I can come up with to share with you! On with the show!

In the Trunk this week I have a couple of Good Will lamps, 2 Lamp shades, some unfinished doll house furniture and a couple of old books. The books I bought specifically to make into pocket books using a tutorial I found online. Today I am going to see what I can do with these Old Lamp Shades!

Last summer my family purchased a little shack by the lake. We spent most of the summer remodeling and now it's time to start decorating! My plan for these shades is to make them into lighting we can use for the lake house. In the next post I will show you the finished product and how I did it!!